family that makes up New Hope Christian Church, and thoroughly enjoy
Contact Michael at: newhopehutto@yahoo.com
Email: newhopehutto@yahoo.com
Email: newhopehutto@yahoo.com
Kristie loves Kids and loves knowing they are growing in the Lord and getting a solid foundation in Him and His Word. She is currently a Kindergarten teacher and knows how to create curriculum to engage children and capture their minds and hearts to learn about God. She and her Husband, Sam, love the New Hope Family and are raising their 3 children–Hudson, Kaylee, and Emma–through the ministries here at New Hope.
Email: newhopehutto@yahoo.com
Shirley Shelor has been attending New Hope as part of our church family, and she retired after a long career, and has taken the lead as our Church Secretary. She is always willing to help in this capacity, and she keeps everything on track. You can reach out to her at the email address below, or stop by the church and meet with her in person.
Contact Shirley at: NewHopeHuttoOffice@gmail.com