All About God.      All About People.     
…All About Serving, too!
We have all been given spiritual gifts, abilities, giftings, personality traits, and directions from the Lord that we are to ALL be serving people in the Kingdom of God! Please pray about where you are serving, and if you are not serving, where you will begin to serve. We want every person at New Hope serving the Lord somewhere through our church ministries and for His Kingdom. If you are not serving, or if you would like to serve even more people and make a larger impact, please consider serving in one of these areas below.
I Peter 4:10-11, “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.”
[Our Ministry Teams function on rotating schedules planned out by the Leaders.]
You can sign up online at the form at the bottom of this page
The Ministry Leader will reach out to you.    Thanks for Serving!!
AUDIO/VISUAL.  Our A/V team is vital to our worship services and other events.  This is the ministry team for those who love worship, sound, and media.  Audio Volunteers need to have the ability and talent to be able to blend and mix the worship services to New Hope’s “sound and blending”.  Visual Volunteers need the desire and computer skills to learn multiple programs to display visuals during worship and events and to coordinate our worship service live-stream. 

Daniel Starks & Rachel Roepke, A/V Team Ministry Leaders

CARDS.  This team ministry is involved in letting people know we care through sending cards for birthdays, anniversaries, get well, sympathy, etc.   We love giving cards and sharing encouraging notes with family.  If you enjoy writing cards, this is for you.  
Shirley Shelor, Cards Ministry Leader (Secretary)
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY.  This ministry encompasses children from birth – 5th Grade, but we know that everyone has their special giftings in working with students and prefer some age groups to work with.  Our Early Childhood Team incorporates the nursery and toddler ages that allows us to start our young ones early growing UP in the Lord.  We need volunteers in our nursery and toddler rooms to care for them, teach them, read Bible stories to them, do crafts with them, play with them, and let them know how much God loves them.  Our Children’s Ministry Team is for our children ages pre-k to 5th Grade, and encompasses our children’s Bible Classes and Teachers, KidzClub Worship, Check-In Counter, Greeting, Special Events, VBS, Activities, Retreats, Camp Sponsors, etc.  If you love kids & sharing God’s love with them in any way mentioned above, please join us.  As you pour into these kids, they immensely bless you…It’s a win-win.  Help us give these children a good solid foundation in the Lord.  (Background Checks Required)
                                              Photo coming….                                                      
             Kristie Campo/KidzClub        Chasnea Harris/Nursery, Toddler                  Augi Caballero       
FAMILY CARE.  Life is tough and unexpected at times, and we celebrate with family in their joys, and we love them through the tough times, too.  Our Family Care ministry team  cares for our church family and friends following surgeries, life-changes, sorrow, house-warmings, moving, etc.  If you enjoy cooking and/or simply caring for others, sign up to help provide meals and care baskets.

Shirley Shelor, Ministry Leader

HOSPITALITY & EVENTS.  We love food and getting together often, and this ministry team plans and sets up for events like wedding / baby showers, baptism receptions, celebrations, and church meals/events.  Some of our biggest events, such as our Spring Celebration is planned and coordinated by them, too.  They maintain the kitchen and keep everyone fed and feeling at home.

Seth Gipson, Sally Hood(not pictured), Shawna Meschnark, Ministry Leaders

LADIES & SINGLE LADIES MINISTRY.  Our Ladies & Single Ladies Ministry plans and hosts gatherings, studies, and events to foster and build relationships with other Christian women to navigate life together and life issues that women face.  If you love pouring into other ladies and helping them grow in the Lord and as a person in our world today, we’d love to have you join our team.
Lacey Lundgren, Ladies Ministry Leader
Rachel Roepke & Lauren Rozell 
Shawna Meschnark, Single Ladies Ministry Leader

LIFE GROUPS & ADULT STUDIES.  This is the ministry team for those who have the gift of and love for teaching God’s Word.  We need study leaders and small group       leaders who enjoy seeing people grow in the Lord.  We need leaders and substitutes. Click Here for more information on our Life Groups.
Michael Roepke, Ministry Leader

MAINTENANCE / LANDSCAPE.  This ministry team maintains the buildings and grounds through repairs, construction, maintenance, landscaping, etc.  They set the first impression as people drive up.  If you enjoy building, repairing, or using hand tools, we would love to have you serve with us in this ministry.  Experience and Knowledge in certain areas is needed, but we’ll take helping hands any time to be a good steward of our church facilities.
Jedidiah Hammond, Ministry Leader

MENS MINISTRY.  We love helping Men grow in the Lord and sharpen one another as we gather together for events, meals, and gatherings to build Christian friendships that help us on our journey together.  Guys face issues where it is good to have other men to give guidance and build you up and lift you up.  If you have a desire to help men become strong in the Lord and in their areas of life, please join this ministry team.

Michael Roepke, Men’s Ministry Leader


OUTREACH & MISSIONS.  Our Outreach Team loves sharing God’s love and the Gospel through local schools, community areas, and church events.  If you have a desire to have your neighbors and those in our community to feel God’s love and know the Gospel to have their lives changed for eternity, come serve with us.   We also support Global Missions in the sharing of the Gospel beyond the walls of New Hope and this State.  If you love serving God in other places and even in other countries, let us know. 

Michael Roepke, Current Ministry Leader

PRAYER TEAM.  Prayer is powerful and vital to our lives, and it is so important in the life of our church family.  Our Prayer Team has multiple facets of function.  One facet is our Prayer Team that receives prayer requests at times during the week through email or other means and commits to praying for those items.  Another facet to our prayer team are individuals who are available on Sunday mornings to pray personally and individually with people at church. We believe in the power of prayer and its encouragement, and if you love praying with and for others, get involved.

Chip & Dee Longo, Prayer Team Ministry Leaders

SECURITY & EMERGENCY TEAM.  This ministry helps create and maintain a safe environment in which the family of New Hope can worship, study, and fellowship.  Volunteers monitor the interior and exterior of buildings, survey the perimeter, keep an eye on the weather, and know how to respond in any security or emergency care situation. If this is your background, and you want to help keep us safe and prepared, join this ministry.  (Background Checks Required)
Clay Honeycutt
SENIOR ADULTS.  We love our church family and the fact that we are multi-generational, and we strive to care for everyone in the family.  This ministry team cares for those in our church who are older and widow/ers.  If you love spending time with Seniors and/or helping them as needs arise, we hope you’ll serve with us in this ministry.  We also enjoy quarterly meals and outings together.
Michael Roepke, Interim Leader
WELCOME TEAM & GREETING.  One area of this ministry team is they host Sunday Breakfast refreshments, coffee, and hospitality. They also greet every person that comes in our church home making them feel welcome and “at home” and gives guidance to guests on Sundays and at Events making every person feel welcome and loved!
Neil Rozell, Welcome Team Ministry Leader
WORSHIP.  Our Worship Team is comprised of first, people who love the Lord and worshipping him, and secondly, those people have been given musical talents by God that they use in His Kingdom.  Our Worship Team incorporates our vocalists and musicians and other areas at time that are a part of our worship services. If you want information on being involved in any portion of the worship service, let us know.  We want to get to know you and experience your musical talents by having you attend a rehearsal and “audition” during that time.
Augi Caballero, Worship Team Leader
YOUTH MINISTRY.   We love all our Middle School & High School students.  Opportunities abound to share in teaching, mentoring, special events / activities, service projects, retreats, camps, etc.  If you want to impact a teen and help them keep growing in the Lord now and learn to live for the Lord as an Adult, join the team.    Just come aboard and be a part of a student’s life and see the difference your presence will make.  You help impact their life, and they impact yours!  We desire to reach those inside and outside our church walls for the Lord!  (Background Checks Required)
Jeremy Harris, Youth Ministry Leader 